Welcome to the twelfth chapter of Backdrop Generator - The Far Away Reality. This serialised concept album was completed in 2005, but was never officially released. Set in the future, the year is 2020…….

Apoline is alone…..

Only The Hacker know where she is. In desert Breach, she’s sentenced to infinite deaths by mindless guards.

Stuck in purgatory. Every time she is killed, she awakes at the start of the game. Her feelings of horror and dread fade into hopelessness and apathy…….

Ray follows his hunch. The Neon wake leads him to the edge of a sheer rock face. Floating in front of him is a large round emblem with the words ‘Record Scalp’ circling it. In its middle, is the number 73. Ray picks up a small rock from the ground and hurls it at the object. On impact, the rock vanishes. He does it again, just to make sure. Ray is intrigued…. This gives him an idea…. he mounts his chopper and takes an almighty run up. With careless abandon, he plunges off the cliff, through the portal, and is dumped in Desert Breach. The guards respond immediately with a hail of bullets. Ray doesn’t stand a chance. His limp body falls from the bike and hits the ground. Then darkness….

From this void, comes the sound of crying. The crying becomes steadily louder. Reality sucks at him and he awakes. Directly opposite him is Apoline. She looks haunted and broken but a smile forces its way through the tears and she wraps her arms around him. As she does her best to explain what has happened to her, Ray plans their escape. He shrouds himself in a cloak of invisibility and fights their way back to the portal.As he harvests the game’s sentinels, Apoline follows safely behind his Ginger Lashes….

Lasers lead the dance
Real view slips away
Shadow mortars shape
This never-ending hell

Seraph Solitaire….

Custodians of death
Despatching your despair
Their weapons bring new life
Relieving you of fear

Seraph Solitaire….

Melancholy cyclic fate
Here she lies in wait…..
Piercing through her shattered state
Senses generate
She feels the darkness break - The Invisible Artist with Ginger Lashes….

Seraph Solitaire….

Backdrop Generator is currently free to download. If you wish to show your appreciation for the considerable work involved, you are welcome to make a donation. Just click on the button below…..


Careless Abandon:
Narration: Fleur Hemmings. Music: John Fowler

Seraph Solitaire:
Lead vocals: Charlotte Xerri. Backing vocals: Clare Fowler, Charlotte Xerri. Percussion, bass, keys, guitars: John Fowler.

For more info about Clare and John Fowler’s current music, visit: www.dandelioncharm.com
