Welcome to the thirteenth chapter of Backdrop Generator - The Far Away Reality. This serialised concept album was completed in 2005, but was never officially released. Set in the future, the year is 2020…….

Meanwhile, The Hacker has lost the plot and has become increasingly reckless. He craves instant contact with Little Quantum and ditches the plan to extract her data. In a passionate frenzy, he works to create a disturbance in the program, which elevates Little Quantum into the Sky. In his mind she is held in his arms as they dance across the stars, their embrace transcending all realities….

I long to make you shine
You always will be mine

I feel like there’s nothing but us
The real world has nothing like us
We’re far away….

I know that we’re all we can trust
Let moonlight and cloud cover us

Backdrop Generator is currently free to download. If you wish to show your appreciation for the considerable work involved, you are welcome to make a donation. Just click on the button below…..


Instant Contact:
Narration: Fleur Hemmings. Music: John Fowler

All vocals: Clare Fowler. Drums, bass, keys, guitars: John Fowler.

For more info about Clare and John Fowler’s current music, visit: www.dandelioncharm.com
