Welcome to the eleventh chapter of Backdrop Generator - The Far Away Reality. This serialised concept album was completed in 2005, but was never officially released. Set in the future, the year is 2020…….
The Hacker plays it cool…..
For now, at least, he’s covered his tracks. Throughout the day, media speculation over Apoline’s disappearance reaches fever pitch. Within the Far Away Reality, the finger points at Ray - the prankster. He is accused, but of course, he knows otherwise. Ray thinks hard about last night. He remembers seeing something strange on the horizon as Apoline was leaving - a brightly coloured ‘rip’ in the sky. He jump on his chopper and races off to investigate.
Flying creatures….
It’s never ending….
Where am I?
Since they dropped me….
They’ll never let me out, never let me go….
Always come back to this place….
Can’t remember….
It’s never ending….
Backdrop Generator is currently free to download. If you wish to show your appreciation for the considerable work involved, you are welcome to make a donation. Just click on the button below…..
Fluorescent Scar:
Narration: Fleur Hemmings. Music: John Fowler
Desert Breach:
Lead vocals: Mary Shorthose. Drums, bass, keys, guitars: John Fowler.
For more info about Clare and John Fowler’s current music, visit: www.dandelioncharm.com