Welcome to the sixth chapter of Backdrop Generator - The Far Away Reality. This serialised concept album was completed in 2005, but was never officially released. Set in the future, the year is 2020…….
There is one who never comes to Apoline’s House. He is “Wong” Ray Wounds a childlike, sensitive, hermit, who inhabits a Gothic Cathedral–like cave. He is wildly inventive: sculptor, alchemist, physicist; a stiletto wearing, cross dressing renaissance man with a six pack and a choir boy’s ruff! The climax if his art is the destruction, in an ecstatic frenzy, of what ever beautiful thing he has just created. The others respect Ray but are wary of his practical jokes and only Apoline is permitted to visit him. He is often heard thundering around the plains on his chopper, his abundant ginger hair streaming behind him. He has a deep, unrelenting feeling that something is wrong but he just cant put his finger on it. He feels he is being watched. So intense is his paranoia, that he has developed the ability to become invisible. But to his extreme frustration, his ginger lashes remain.
Sunset wondered from the flux
Morality of the young
No limit decided
Society’s derided
Momentous, your intelligence undone
The invisible artist with ginger lashes
Unseen individual
Beneath the delusion of female illusion
Your demons are staring at you
You feel them, but what can you do?
The skies are all eyes peering through
Gilded dark extravagance
Morality, a severed lung
Intrinsic, misguided
Subconscious worlds collided
This shameful play has only just begun
The incredible artist with dark surprises….
Backdrop Generator is currently free to download. If you wish to show your appreciation for the considerable work involved, you are welcome to make a donation. Just click on the button below…..
‘Wong’ Ray Wounds:
Narration: Fleur Hemmings. Music: John Fowler
Ginger Lashes:
Lead vocals: Charlotte Xerri. Backing vocals: Clare Fowler, Charlotte Xerri. Drums, bass ,keys, guitars: John Fowler.
For more info about Clare and John Fowler’s current music, visit: www.dandelioncharm.com