Welcome to the first chapter of Backdrop Generator - The Far Away Reality. This serialised concept album was completed in 2005, but was never officially released. Set in the ‘future’, the year is 2020…….

This is the real world: a place where people are willing subordinates of mass marketing. A monoculture; tube fed by titanic multinationals. One such corporation is Gordax. Today, Godax was reported as being a fraction ahead in the race of the greedy. Gordax influences all aspects of society. The Gordax endorsement, design profile and logo mean everything. From the trainers you wear to the machine you use to cast your vote. The people follow the Gordax convention and lead an ape-like life of imitation. There’s an illusion of choice, quality and value for money. People have faith in Gordax. They’re happy. They must be - they’re surrounded by every product that they could ever want. And THIS, is the REAL world……

remote control dummies
paying them to tell you what to think

its dog eat dog, where cats buy coke and insects mope, they sell you hope
this is their day, they’re here to stay, they’re gonna catch you anyway

selling sickness, spreading doubt
they fear that you can do without
slap on face like some rictus grin
parading like a tortured mannequin

designer climbers - thought resigners
magic mirrors - tragic one-liners
name, blame, shame, retain the option to restrain - but you never use it
the elite remain the same coz you’re paying for the game - and you’ll never join them

this is the real world, welcome to the plan
this is the real world, they’ll catch you if they can

they are the media mafia
in the business of insecurity
ordering their resurrection money

you’re too young, too old
you need to be told
develop your neurosis
watch your confidence dissolve

Backdrop Generator is currently free to download. If you wish to show your appreciation for the considerable work involved, you are welcome to make a donation. Just click the button below….


Race of the Greedy:
Narration: Fleur Hemmings. Music: John Fowler
Tortured Manniquin:
Lead vocals: Charlotte Xerri. Backing vocals: Clare Fowler, John Fowler, Charlotte Xerri. Drums, bass, keys, guitars: John Fowler. Other Vocals: Clive Shorthouse, Olivia Waller, Ellie Waller, Anna Mahoney.

For more info about Clare and John Fowler’s current music, visit: www.dandelioncharm.com

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